Payments & Forms
RYCOR Online Forms & Payments
For parents/guardians accessing RYCOR for the first time, you will need a valid PARENT POWERSCHOOL ACOOUNT.
To Access RYCOR follow these steps:
Log into PowerSchool using your PARENT account. Click this link: PowerSchool
If using a computer or your phone's internet browser in Desktop Mode, click Fees and Forms along
the left-hand side of the page. (Note: This will bring you directly into RYCOR)Navigate to the form requiring your attention, click it, and fill out all necessary fields. Then click submit.
(Note: All forms should appear on your landing page)Click on your cart in the top right hand corner of the page to complete your transaction, submit your form, and pay any attached fees.
If you have any difficulties with using Powerschool or Rycor, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Hutchings by calling the school (709-652-3190) or via email.
Please use the following web links to access the RYCOR online system and for further information.
Volunteer Forms (for parents)
Criminal Offence Declaration
Volunteer Information Form
Volunteer Agreement Form
Volunteer Driver Application